You are here : Stores and Inventory > Stores and Inventory Masters > Item Warehouse Physical Bin Entry Item Warehouse Physical Bin Entry |
Keep a record of actual physical area where an Item is lying in a particular location of a Warehouse through this option. IMMS allows the user to enter locations of various Items in various Warehouses. An Item can not be allocated same location for more than once. But if the same Item is lying in more than one location of a Warehouse, IMMS allows to specify the default location for that Item. Default location is the first place where the user would look for that Item.
The related report helps the user to physically locate an Item in a Warehouse much faster.
Warehouse Code:
Specify the Warehouse for which you want to allocate various locations of Items. Click on the field to access a list of already existing Warehouse defined through Warehouse Master option. Select your desired Warehouse from the list by scrolling down to it and pressing <ENTER>. Alternatively you can also enter the Warehouse.
You can not select a Warehouse that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The list will also not display such Warehouses.
In case of 'Add' mode, all the Warehouses will be displayed/accepted.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View'modes, only those Warehouses will be displayed/accepted for which Items have already been allocated physically.
Please note that this field will NOT be displayed in case of 'Add' mode.
Specify the Item that you want to edit or search. Click on the
icon to access a list of Items which have already been allocated to different locations of the selected Warehouse. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button.
Once you have chosen the above criteria, a grid will be displayed as follows -
While 'Adding', this grid will be displayed blank and a user can start entering Items and their respective locations.
In case of 'Edit', and 'View', this grid will be populated with all the Bin Codes of the selected Item in the selected Warehouse.
Click on the button to enter more Items in the grid. A new row will be added
as a result.
Field Description of the Grid -
Click on the
icon to remove a record from the list. Click on the 'Delete' icon again to un-delete the record.
Item Code
While 'Adding', specify the Item that has to be allocated to a specific location in the above selected Warehouse. Click on the
icon to access a list of Items defined through Item Master Basic Detail - Entry option in Materials Module. Select your desired Item from the list by scrolling down to it and click on 'Continue' button. Press <TAB>.
You can not select an Item that has been deactivated through Activate/De-Activate Master option in Administrator Tools Module. The <F5> help will also not display such items.
An Item can be allocated to a particular location in a Warehouse only once. If a user tries to allocate it again to the same location, IMMS will display an appropriate message.
In case of 'Editing', you can not change the Item.
Item Description
Name of the Item is displayed automatically as per the selected Item Code.
Bin Code
(Type : Alphanumeric, Length : 12)
Click on the field. Now enter the physical location of the Item in its Warehouse.
In IMMS, an Item can be allocated to a location only once. It can be allocated to another location in the same Warehouse but in that case it is important to specify the default location.
While 'Adding' or 'Editing', click on the small check box. The tick mark indicates the Bin as a default location for the Item whereas an empty box indicates that the Bin is not set as default.
Once you have entered all the information, click on 'Save' button to save or 'Cancel'button to discard.